I'm scared to post this poem because he has no idea it exists. My boyfriend (it's so weird to say that because I have been giving him a hard time for the last 5 years) told me randomly one day he wrote a poem for me, that he has a whole book dedicated to me. Of course, I freaked out. But my pen had other ideas... this is what happened...

There is something about him telling me this poem is for you It was always about me For me To me You see I never thought I was worthy Enough to be his muse It was like God saying 1. you were the reason I made woman. The reason I created sun for u to exist For u to shine over the world In each continent At their own appropriate time 2. You were the reason I created letters and sounds To have words try and fail To fully describe your presence The reason I created languages At babel To fully depict your being Your personality And your spirit Because I know Your heart I know is of me So my son trickles through your veins Bringing life to all your organs In each step You share what it is to be with me And have me by your side 3.you were the reason I created books. So people can carry you wherever they went So they can feel a piece of heaven Each time they turned the page So they can always have motivation and love at their fingertips To soak their skin And multiply their heart and mind So they can lose track of time with each chapter As they gain hope for a better future and life 4. I created braille so they can always feel your love Become drunk In your touch And move As smooth as you walk on ice and shiny snow As delicate as you caress your orchids Roses and tiger lilies As graceful as gliding in my grass And commune with ladybugs Caterpillars And ants 5. I created music so your voice Can be heard Like the humming of bees close to their nest Your tone can be as sweet As the honey they harvest And your melodies keep them Entranced in the goodness of my will for their lives So agape love continues to sparkle thru their eyes 6. I created dolphins So your intelligence can spread through all oceans To all nations So people know what it is To be in this world But not of it To teach all girls They are princesses All women are queens Even ones with broken crowns And missing gowns Because there is always time for a life to turn around To teach boys How to be princes Men kings Even if it might not be so popular or the in thing It is better to be criticized for being smart Than ridiculed for being dumb Smarts can bring you out of all slums And deliverance to those next to come Make your music hum Resonate to uplift all your project kingdoms Your corner chums Until the change we want to see is all we become 7. I created stars To remember from which you were And where you always are With me to belong These mortals can only have you for a minute One day I will take you forever In my arms And return your wings And cover their scars 8. I created the sky To keep on you my watchful eye To monitor the damage Of Satan's minions And to place people in your life To repair your heart Collect your tears calm your fears piece together your dreams And father your mini me's Growing them to continue your legacy There was something about him telling me "this poem is about you" I guess it was my destiny [30.jan.15]