This is one of the very first poems I wrote. It is featured in 3 collections of poetry including my first book, MY JOURNEY THROUGH POETRY. This poem even got me my psychology internship and is featured on the counseling center's website.

a broken angel
without a wing
pretty helpless as it seems
until one day
she got the courage to learn how to fly
broken angel
without praise
dying in self rage
was it inflicted
on oneself . . .
or part of someone’s rampage
this broken angel
will try to heal
broken angel
under a spell of mistrust
to tare people away because of disgust
no one to hear the vent spells
inflicted on hard, despondent walls
what to do
one does not know
until freed from this lonely cell
broken angel
much confused
the light has swept away
what can help a confusion of this sort
a sort dependent on other vision
can thought to be as an infraction
so much confusion
the broken angel
is not free from this clear but murky illusion
broken angel
without a wing
takes some time to think
how can one clear its mind
from this hindering state
let me let go of
self rage or rampage
mistrust with distrust
confusion in allusion
to mend my broken wing . . .
and learn to fly